Our small but fine team,
has set itself the goal
To make your stay an unforgettable experience .
Since the official key handover on
August 8th, 2018 (here with Mayor Christian Marti) the Schützenhaus is under the direction of Markus Kunde and Stefan D. Schlegel. The two are restaurateurs with heart and soul and have years of experience in managing various restaurants and hotels.
Danny Gögel
Head chef
Danny Gögel has many years of experience in upscale gastronomy as well as in banqueting. He has already cooked under our management at the Hotel RömerTurm, which is why we have known him for many years and know that he makes a fine "ladle".
Unsere Lernenden
Hadi, 3. Lehrjahr Koch
Alina, 1. Lehrjahr Restaurantfachfrau
(von links nach rechts)
Wir wünschen unseren Lernenden eine spannende, interessante und lehrreiche Ausbidlungszeit. Und viel Freude an unserer abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeit in der Gastronomie!